Two weeks ago we went to Hilton Head, South Carolina and had a great time! The temperatures were higher in Atlanta than they were in Hilton Head, but it felt worse at the beach because of the humidity.We got there on a Sunday, it was an easy drive, only about 4.5 hours from Atlanta. When we arrived, we went walking on the beach, and then out to explore the island. We ate at Salty Dog Cafe, and had some good peel and eat shrimp.
On Monday we had a lazy day by the pool, it was great. The pool at the hotel was right on the beach. Monday night we went to dinner at LowCountry Backyard, the food was great. David had the meatloaf and I had shrimp and grits. The atmosphere really was like sitting in someone's backyard, it was very relaxed and we would definitely go back.
Tuesday we spent the morning at the pool and then went to the beach in the afternoon. The ocean was so warm, it felt like bathwater. We also found sand dollars, I was surprised at how many there were, all you had to do was put your foot down on the sand and you would find them. Tuesday night for dinner we went to Eat!, Robert Irvine's restaurant. Before we went, we read that Tuesday nights were 1/2 off tapas, so we ordered a bunch of tapas.
On Wednesday, the 4th of July, we took a day trip to Daufuskie Island. Everything I read about the island was great, but sadly, it was crap. The boat trip was $55/person, which included the round trip boat ride, lunch, and a golf cart rental. The boat ride was fine, an hour each way. We were actually able to see some dolphins from the boat. When we arrived at the island, we got our golf cart, and then headed to the restaurant for lunch. The lunch was buffet that looked like it had been sitting out for hours. David and I looked at it, looked at each other, and said forget it. We got in our golf card and went to explore, however I think could run faster than our golf cart, it was slooooooooow. While on the island we went to "Marshside Mama's" for some shrimp, the only way I can think to explain this is to say it was rustic. Then we rode around and look at the few historical sites the island had to offer. It got to the point that we were so bored with the island, we literally rode around on our golf cart in circles until it was time to go back. After going back to our hotel, we went out for pizza and then watched fireworks from our balcony.
On Thursday we went to the pool in the morning and then the beach in the afternoon. We decided to play mini-golf, David only beat me by one point.... That night, we went to dinner at a restaurant on the beach just a short walk from our hotel. It was probably one of our best dinners, we had fish tacos right on the beach.
Friday we woke up and headed to Savannah on our way home. Savannah is only about 45 minutes from Hilton Head. We walked along River Street and then had lunch at a pub. Savannah is such a great place, but it was HUMID! We walked past Paula Deen's restaurant, (we had no intention on eating there, because we had heard it was crap), and by 11:15 they had a sign outside that said "booked for lunch". After lunch we headed home, only about a 3.5 hour drive from Savannah.
We had a great time, I only wished we had stayed longer!