Monday, November 26, 2012

A Few More.....

Here are some more photos from the past few weeks! Oh, and in yesterday's post I realize I said my family came to meet up with us for lunch on their way home from their vacation, I forgot to mention that Kevin was there as well, I just didn't get a picture of him and David!

We won lottery tickets to Newsies..very good!
The calm before Sandy

The set of Kelly and Michael

Kelly and Michael

David on the set of The Chew

Set of The View

 David was a good sport - one of few men at The View

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I am finally able to download pictures on my blog again (thanks to my new laptop, more on that Black Friday deal later)!! Here are some pictures from us recently.  Enjoy!  More pictures to come tomorrow.

Outside Columbus Statue
Columbus Statue

David in FAO Schwartz
View from Columbus Statue

Visit from Sarah B at Becco

Lunch in Hoboken

Family stopped by on their way home from Vacation

What David did while I was in the Emergency Room
(that is me in the red shirt with the nurse)              
THE Sign, the cause of my accident!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 8 and Talk Shows

When we moved up here, one of my goals (yes, I am very ambitious, what can I say ;))  was to go to some of the talk shows I watch on tv - when you aren't working, it's amazing how much more daytime tv you watch!  I got very lucky and have been able to check off many on my list.  Of course, I took pictures - when I was allowed, but I still can't upload them from my ipad for some reason.  Here is a summary of where I have been:

Wednesday - October 31st - Kelly and Michael and The View
  • Kelly and Michael - I LOVE Michael Strahan...and I like Kelly Ripa even more after having gone to the show.  The show is live, and they do such a good job with interacting with the audience during the commercial breaks.  This was by far my most favorite show to go to because of that very reason.  They also allowed us to take as many photos as we wanted.  When I was walking out of the studio, someone from The View came by because they needed audience members.
  • The View - So, along with a big group of other audience members, we walked over to the View studio.  While it was neat to see in person, the hostesses did not interact with the audience much, and we were not allowed to take pictures.  However, we did get a free box of candy for halloween, which as you can imagine made David jealous (even though he ate 90% of it;))
Thursday - November 1st - The Chew and The View (again!)
  • The Chew - David LOVES The Chew.  He introduced me to this show a while ago, and we would record it and watch it every night after work.  The hosts were nice, and did interact with us during commercials, which was fun.   David and I were in the second row, and one of the hostesses actually kept staring at David until she finally told him he looked like some famous chef.  We were actually on tv for a while behind one of the segments.
  •  The View - They needed audience members again, so we headed over there after The Chew.  David's description of it "I was bored" (yes, I am leaving out some words he added in his description;))
Friday - November 2nd - Kelly and Michael
  • David wanted to go with me, so we went to this show again, and had a very nice time.  I think David was less bored here than he was at The View.
These shows usually take months to get into, but because the Subways were shut down, and transportation was so difficult after Sandy, many people that had tickets couldn't attend.  Since we only live about 10 minutes from the studios, it was easy for us to walk over.

Tuesday - November 6th - Dr. Oz
  • On Election Day, I decided to walk over the Rockefeller plaza to "Democracy Plaza".  While I was there, someone working for the Dr. Oz show approached me to be an audience I of course said yes!  The show was fun to see, and Dr. Oz definitely seemed as nice in person, as he does on TV.
At this point, it became comical how many shows I had seen in one week!  But, it didn't end there!

Wednesday - November 14th - Katie Couric Show
  • This is the only show I actually had tickets for in advance.  To be honest, I am not a huge fan of Katie Couric, but I must admit that she was actually very friendly!  And, she is TINY!!!!  I had a good time, and sat in the front row.  I was only about 10 feet away from Sally Field (she was one of the guests interviewed on the show), who is even smaller than Katie Couric.
Wednesday night I was walking over to meet David at work and I got a call from the David Letterman Show to see if I was still interested in attending a taping on Thursday, so of course I reserved two tickets for us.  So, tonight we went to that show. I have never been a fan of David Letterman, but it was one more show to check off my list. To be honest, we were both a little bored.
 I think I also forgot to mention that on Thursday, November 1st, we went to a raffle drawing for $30 tickets to Newsies on Broadway, and they picked my name!! We LOVED it, the music and dancing was fantastic!! On Monday night we will be taking the train to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I will be able to upload pictures from their computers!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

NYC Weeks 6 and 7

Things have been crazy in NYC!  Let's start with the weekend of Oct. 27th.  My best friend came to visit and we had a great time.  Friday we had lunch at an adorable place called "Alice's Tea Cup" and then went shopping.  Friday night we all went to Becco, an italian restaurant we love here.  Saturday, my family was on their way back from vacation in Connecticut, so we met then in lunch for Hoboken.  Saturday night we went to dinner and a cool bar that overlooks Times Square.  Sarah left on Sunday morning, which was a good thing, because Sandy was coming.

I will start by saying that I continually told David we needed to get supplies for the hurricane...he said I was overreacting.  So, we went on with life normally.  Monday the weather started to get pretty bad and everything was closed.  We had tickets to see Jimmy Fallon, which took forever to get, so we were bummed that it was probably going to get cancelled. didn't, NBC called me around noon and told us to come to the show.  We walked over there, waited an hour, and then were told they were sending the audience!!!!  The next 48 hours consisted of us hanging out at home, luckily with electricity.  We feel very fortunate to have not been affected by Sandy, but so sad about all the damage just streets away.

On Wednesday, Halloween, David's work opened up again, and some of the grocery stores started to open up.  I met David for lunch, and we thought we would try our luck at Jimmy Fallon again by getting standby tickets.  We came home for David to change, and headed back out to Jimmy....but unfortunately I decided to watch a car parallel park while continuing to walk down the street....and I ran right into a metal sign post.  My head started bleeding, David ran into a nearby restaurant to get napkins, and we walked to the hospital.  I am an idiot, I was so mad at myself!!!  We were in the emergency room for 4 and a half hours!!!  After begging the doctor not to give me stitches, he "glued" the lovely cut that is going through my eyebrow and gave me a tetanus shot.  That night we came home and only had one trick-or-treater...which was a bummer!  We had decided that we are destined to never see Jimmy Fallon.

I was supposed to go to my parent's house on Wednesday, but my train was cancelled.  David was supposed to go to Chicago for work, but that was cancelled.  I filled my time up with becoming a professional audience member....more on that later.  I still can't seem to get my pictures to upload for some reason, but when I figure it out, I will post them.