Things have been crazy in NYC! Let's start with the weekend of Oct. 27th. My best friend came to visit and we had a great time. Friday we had lunch at an adorable place called "Alice's Tea Cup" and then went shopping. Friday night we all went to Becco, an italian restaurant we love here. Saturday, my family was on their way back from vacation in Connecticut, so we met then in lunch for Hoboken. Saturday night we went to dinner and a cool bar that overlooks Times Square. Sarah left on Sunday morning, which was a good thing, because Sandy was coming.
I will start by saying that I continually told David we needed to get supplies for the hurricane...he said I was overreacting. So, we went on with life normally. Monday the weather started to get pretty bad and everything was closed. We had tickets to see Jimmy Fallon, which took forever to get, so we were bummed that it was probably going to get cancelled. didn't, NBC called me around noon and told us to come to the show. We walked over there, waited an hour, and then were told they were sending the audience!!!! The next 48 hours consisted of us hanging out at home, luckily with electricity. We feel very fortunate to have not been affected by Sandy, but so sad about all the damage just streets away.
On Wednesday, Halloween, David's work opened up again, and some of the grocery stores started to open up. I met David for lunch, and we thought we would try our luck at Jimmy Fallon again by getting standby tickets. We came home for David to change, and headed back out to Jimmy....but unfortunately I decided to watch a car parallel park while continuing to walk down the street....and I ran right into a metal sign post. My head started bleeding, David ran into a nearby restaurant to get napkins, and we walked to the hospital. I am an idiot, I was so mad at myself!!! We were in the emergency room for 4 and a half hours!!! After begging the doctor not to give me stitches, he "glued" the lovely cut that is going through my eyebrow and gave me a tetanus shot. That night we came home and only had one trick-or-treater...which was a bummer! We had decided that we are destined to never see Jimmy Fallon.
I was supposed to go to my parent's house on Wednesday, but my train was cancelled. David was supposed to go to Chicago for work, but that was cancelled. I filled my time up with becoming a professional audience member....more on that later. I still can't seem to get my pictures to upload for some reason, but when I figure it out, I will post them.