Wow, yet another monthly update, and only a little late. Last week was Elizabeth's 4 month birthday. We celebrated with a trip to the doctor for more shots! Once again, she did awesome at the doctor, until the end when she got the vaccines. I held her this time, and David took pictures - I don't think she appreciated being photographed right then.
Here are Elizabeth's measurements for month 4:
Weight - 14 pounds (50-75th percentile)
Length - 23.5 cm. (25th percentile)
Head - 41 (50-75th percentile)
To compare here are her other measurements:
Month 1
Weight - 10.5 pounds (90-97th percentile)
Length - 21.5 cm. (50-75th percentile)
Head - 39 (90-97th percentile)
Month 2
Weight - 11.2 pounds (75th percentile)
Length - 22.5 cm. (50th percentile)
Head - 39.5 (75th percentile)
My amazing, wonderful, excellent sleeper is gone! About 4 weeks ago, my little baby decided it was fun to wake up 2-3 times per night. Now, I realize I have been spoiled with a baby who slept through the night since birth, but this is cruel! The good news is that we are working on getting her back on her sleep "schedule" so we can remain sane, and hopefully it will pass soon. The pediatrician said that we just need to keep training her, and that she does not need to eat in the middle of the night (she had me fooled!!). Really, I still shouldn't be complaining, luckily she's not up playing or crying for hours on end, she is up for about 10 minutes and then passes right back out...but still, it's a little rough;)
The doctor also gave us the go-ahead to start on solids. Elizabeth hasn't really shown in interest in food when we are eating, so we figure we will start rice cereal around 5 months...a compromise between 4 and 6 months. She is moving around all the time now! Every time we put Elizabeth down in bed, on a blanket, under her floor gym, we can be guaranteed that she will end up in a different place with her head at the opposite end of where we placed her. She definitely takes after me in that she is a side sleeper. We have only caught her once sleeping on her stomach. Elizabeth LOVES to be out and about. While she can't last more than 20 minutes awake in her stroller, if we take her to a restaurant or shopping, she loves taking it all in, and is happily passed from person to person at the table.
And for the pictures....complete with band-aids from her shots....
(perhaps her mom needs to buy her some plain white onesies that actually fit now;)!)
Some more random pictures...