Sunday, September 29, 2013


I feel like my baby is changing every single day!! 

Elizabeth is still a great sleeper.  She sleeps through the night, we usually put her to bed anywhere from 9:30pm -11:00pm and she sleeps until 7:00am-7:30am!  Most of the time she sleeps all night without waking up, but occasionally she will wake up around 4:30 to eat, and fall right back to sleep.  When we put her to bed, we usually just lay her down in her bed and she will look at the mobile and fall asleep on her own.  We are so fortunate to have such a great sleeper!  Elizabeth also LOVES her naps during the day, she still only stays up for about 2 hours at a time.  She is sleeping as I type this, and has been for 2.5 hours!

The play mat is a huge hit!   Unless she is hungry or needs a diaper change, Elizabeth is content just hanging out with her toys.  She has started to "play" more - by that I mean hitting her toys and kicking her legs.  The other day I looked down and she had rolled over on her side!  The mirror is also a huge hit!

We have finally started to see real smiles!  Since just yesterday, Elizabeth smiles every time David makes animal noises.  I was able to catch one on my phone, it's a little dark, but I will keep trying to get more!
David's parents were in town for the last two weeks, we had a great time and did a lot!  Elizabeth had her first boat trip and her first trip into the city.  She did really well considering she had to eat and get diaper changes in random places.  I had to change her diaper on two slanted chairs as the boat was going down the Hudson, on a bench in Central Park, and she ate in the lobby of a Marriott hotel, along with the gym of another Marriott.  (Long story short we were on the meeting level of the hotel to find a bathroom and one of the employees let us in the health club to use the bathroom there, and since no one was in the gym, I decided to make use out of the weight bench and feed her;))

Boat Ride on the Hudson

First Path Ride

Shopping in NYC

On the Boat

Times Square
While David's parents were visiting, we ate lots of good food, relaxed, and enjoyed the beautiful weather.



Sunday, September 15, 2013


Elizabeth has been spoiled with company!  Last week we had Kara, Kevin and Jill visit, and Elizabeth never has a shortage of people to hold her and take care of her!  She has been spoiled...although you can't really spoil a newborn, can you?  :)  She loved meeting her Uncle Kevin and Auntie Kara, and of course seeing Auntie Jill again.

Kara had a birthday while they were here, it was on Sunday, September 1st.  Happy Birthday Auntie Kara!  She shared her birthday with Elizabeth's 4 week birthday!  The morning of her birthday, Jill, Kara and I went out to breakfast, while Kevin and David stayed home with Elizabeth and watched Liverpool.  I am looking a little rough in the pic below.

My friends from Georgia sent Ellie a few outfits, here is one of them...more for David's benefit;)  The onesie is a bit hard to read in the pics, but it says "Me and my dad love Liverpool".  The outfit is adorable, but the teacher in me is annoyed by the improper grammar..since it should say My dad and I :)


Here is what happens when you let Jill and Kara babysit;)

Everyday Elizabeth is amazing how she is able to grab her toys now, she is very content sitting in her bouncy seat just grabbing at her toys.  She also LOVES her mobile over her crib, her eyes are adorable as they go around and around to follow it. 
On a different note, I signed up for a 5k with some friends at the end of October...which means I need to get motivated and get back to the gym.  David said he plans to hang out at the end of the 1st mile since I may not make it any further;) 

Friday, September 6, 2013

One Month!

I can't believe Elizabeth is already a month old!  Time does fly....people say that, but I have really experienced it this past month more than any other time in my life.  Just a disclaimer - I am sure there will be stuff on my blog that you could careless about, but I am also going to use it as a way to document the little things about Ellie so that we don't forget:) 

We have had a great month!  Elizabeth is an AWESOME sleeper!  In the first few weeks I was waking her up in the middle of the night to feed her, but at her doctor's appointment on Wednesday we got the ok to let her sleep and wake herself up.  The past two nights have been great!  She fell asleep around 7pm, woke up around 9pm to eat, then again around midnight and then slept until 7am.  David said she is definitely my daughter, not only does she snore, but she can sleep through anything - I like to tell myself this isn't just a newborn stage and it will last:)  There have been days when I vacuum while she is sleeping on purpose, so she doesn't get used to complete silence when she sleeps.

Elizabeth is starting to make a lot more noises.  When she gets upset, David makes weird noises with his tongue and she loves it, it amazes me how much it calms her down and how focused on him she becomes.  She has become much more alert over the past few weeks.  David and I have also perfected giving her a bath and she loves them now...she gets upset when we take her out.  Jill gave us a bathtub that she found in the Netherlands, and Elizabeth loves it.  The tub is shaped like a bucket and is very cozy.


Here are the measurements from Elizabeth's one month appointment this week:
Weight: 10lbs 6 oz and is in the 90th-97th percentile (up 1lb. 7oz. since she was born - the girl likes to eat!)
Length: 21 inches and is in the 50th percentile (up 2 inches since she was born)
Head: I forgot to get the exact measurement and will need to update this after her 2 month appointment - I know, I am a bad mother!!  David and I were both so concentrated on her crying that we didn't write it down!
Lots of people, especially when she was born, commented on Elizabeth's size and that she was so big.  To us, she felt so little, until I started going to a mommy/baby group on Thursdays.  The group meets at the hospital where she was born and is for new moms and babies that are 2 to 16 weeks old.  Elizabeth was the same size or bigger than babies older than her, I couldn't believe it!
We are getting out more and more...I feel like I have turned a corner this week, I feel much more  comfortable taking her out without breaking into a sweat every time she cries.  Tomorrow we are going to ferry into NYC, it will be her first "out of state" trip....who cares that it's only a five minute ferry ride to get there;)  And, of course we are taking a TON of many that we gave in and spent the $$ on an actual camera!