Elizabeth still LOVES her My Gym classes, and she is taking soccer/football lessons on Saturday mornings. She isn't so into soccer, but it at least gives her and David an activity to do together.
David and Elizabeth are Disney's best customers. Elizabeth can recognize many characters in every store we go into, and of course David loves to stop at the Disney store on his way home from work to bring home "surprises" for Elizabeth. The same Sophia the First nightgown has been worn to bed for the last two weeks straight - which not only results in my doing more laundry, but also having to reason with a 22 month old in the morning when I get her dressed! Here is a pic of Elizabeth with her Elsa cup, another favorite, from my dad. I actually insisted he buy another one to save me from having to wash it multiple times a day. And yes, gasp, we allow her to eat on the couch sometimes;)
Elizabeth is a true girly girl! She has to have a purse with her every time we leave the house. And now, she LOVES her jewelry. She loves wearing multiple necklaces and bracelets, and I love it! Since I can't "do" her hair yet (for obvious reasons;)), this is another way I get to "dress" her up. She is also OBSESSED over shoes, when we meet new people, Elizabeth has to point out her shoes. Baby dolls and the Wiggles are also favorites, and she is just starting to get into puzzles.
This girl is also a talker, ALL.DAY.LONG. Elizabeth has started throwing out full sentences and it's so adorable. Here are a few phrases/sentences:
- If you ask her if she wants something, and she doesn't, she responds with "No, I'm fine."
- If she wants something someone else has, she will say "I need that".
- Elizabeth is great at using "please" and "thank you"
- When someone sneezes or coughs she responds with "Bless you"
- Elizabeth thinks it's hilarious to call daddy "David", she knows she shouldn't and gives the most hilarious look when she does it.
- Yesterday Elizabeth tripped on a toy, I asked her if she was ok and she responded with "I'm fine, I slipped"
- "Oh no!" and "Oh gosh!" are phrases she uses all the time
- Elizabeth has also started saying push chair and nappy when she talks to David. She says diaper and stroller to me obviously, but she just picked up that Daddy calls them something different.
- Counting to ten is also something Elizabeth does, but for some reason, the poor number 8 gets left out sometimes. She can also sing her ABCs, but it gets a little jumbled up around L,M,N,O,P.
Elizabeth is a little social butterfly. She has two best friends, Alden and Ben, that we see almost on a daily basis, and she LOVES them. Any time we are at the playground, she loves to talk to the "older" kids.
It is impossible to believe my little baby is going to be 2 in 2 months! We know she will be a great big sister, and can't wait to see her interact with a younger sibling (if I'm not pregnant indefinitely, which I am beginning to think I might be!).