Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Samantha Grace

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 we welcomed Samantha Grace!!  She was born at 10:21am, weighing 9lbs 14oz and 21 inches long.  I don't want to forget the day, so here is what happened!  We waited and waited, the doctors told me she would be early, probably born at the end of May, and she came on her own time - 5 days late.  I had a doctors appointment on Monday morning, I was already 4cm dilated and the doctor swept my membranes (ouch and sorry if TMI!).  Monday night I had mild contractions, but nothing too bad, so we went to bed.  At 4am I woke up and knew it was time, my contractions were awful. I woke up David, called the doctor, and we headed to the hospital.  When we got to the hospital I was 7cm dilated, so obviously they admitted me.  All I cared about was the epidural, and the nurse assured me that she was quickly taking care of things so that I would have time to get one.  Finally around 7am I got the epidural (after sending David out to the hall many times asking about the anesthesiologist).  My blood pressure went down to the 70s and I thought for sure I was going to pass out, but once they gave me oxygen, I felt much better.

Around 10am my back started to hurt, and it was time to push.  After only about 20 minutes, out popped Samantha!  I once again thought I was having a boy, but David said all along we were having another girl.  He cut the umbilical and I fed her right away.  After that they weighed her, cleaned her, did footprints and handprints, and the nurse made footprints on David's t-shirt for him to keep.

Later that day, my parents, along with Elizabeth, came to the hospital to meet Samantha.  Elizabeth wanted nothing to do with Samantha or me, she only wanted David to hold her.  Eventually though, she warmed up and was pointing out Samantha's head, feet, and toes.

The next day my best friend, Sarah, and her sister came over to visit me in the hospital.  They were in NYC with family, so it was perfect timing!  David went for a run and decided to run from the hospital to our house (about 9 miles).  He spent the day at home with Elizabeth and my parents came to keep me company.  Of course I don't have any pics of them at the hospital...oops!  That night David came back and spent the night with me again at the hospital.  

On Tuesday, Samantha had to go into the "sunbed" because her bilirubin was a little high.  Luckily, she didn't have to stay the night and we were able to head home by 5:30 that night.

 When we got home that night, Elizabeth was SO excited to see Samantha.  She didn't leave her side.  When I said it was time for Samantha to eat, she went to the kitchen and grabbed her a snack, it was adorable.  Elizabeth grabbed Samantha's toes and started doing "this little piggy went to the market".  It is so much fun to see Elizabeth interact with Samantha.

We feel so blessed that we have two beautiful, healthy daughters!  Life is super busy and a little stressful right now, but so much fun!  Samantha Grace is a great baby and the perfect addition to our family.

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