Elizabeth has changed so much this past year. She became a big sister, talks non stop, sleeps in a "big girl" bed, and is becoming so independent. Elizabeth has so much personality and it's so much fun to watch her grow, she is always singing and dancing. She is very social, I like to joke at the playground that she is the welcoming committee, Elizabeth says hello to everyone that walks in, and is constantly talking to people we pass on the streets. Elizabeth loves playing with her friends and absolutely loves Samantha. Fear is not something Elizabeth is familiar with, she loves the dark and often goes into our closet and shuts the door, and at the playground she is absolutely fearless. And of course, she is interested in all things girly - she is rarely without a necklace and purse (even in bed)! Elizabeth is still a SUPER picky eater, but put dessert in front of her that she's never seen before and she will dig right in! Elizabeth knows her ABCs, many other songs, and her vocabulary is great. She speaks in full sentences all the time - Mommy, what are you doing? Daddy is your phone charging? Samantha it's ok, don't cry, we will be home soon. I want to go to the playground to play with my friends). Elizabeth always uses her "please" and "thank yous". A favorite is "thank you so much" when someone does something for her.
Samantha was very impressed with the day;)
Elizabeth, we love you so very much!! You are a little girl now, definitely not a baby anymore, and are so much fun to be around! We love how sweet you are with your little sister, you are always giving her kisses and telling her you love her. You have so much personality and are always smiling (most of the time;))! We are so blessed to have such a sweet little girl!
i love her expression when she's first seeing her cake! what a sweetie!