Friday, December 21, 2012

Where to begin....

I am procrastinating, I don't know where to begin with the unpacking, so I am taking the approach of ignoring it;)  The move was fine, the actual movers were very nice and helpful.  However, trying to squeeze in your belongings from a 3000 square foot house into a 1200 square foot apartment has proved to be very difficult.  I can't imagine what we would have done if we didn't get rid of all the stuff that we did before we let Atlanta!  I knew we were off to a rough start when the movers said "what stuff is going into storage, and what stuff is being brought up the apartment?"  Ummm all of it is coming up!  After they finished and we were signing the paperwork, the head guy said "I didn't think there was any way we were going to fit all this in here!"  Eventually we will get organized and it will all get unpacked, but in the meantime, it's easier to close my eyes. 

So far we really like our new place.  The building is nice and it's sooo quiet, it was like heaven going to sleep on Friday night without sirens and horns outside.  We have some nice restaurants and a pharmacy all within a two minute walk.  If you walk out the side of our building, the Statue of Liberty is right there in your face, and on the other side of the building is a great view of NYC and the Freedom Tower.  It is also nice to have our car and drive again...although at the same time, I didn't miss it and it is nice to not have to get in the car every time you go somewhere.

Friday was a sad day, and unfortunately the sadness is still hanging over everyone's head.  We had no internet or tv yet, and David and I were really hoping the installer would come on Friday, he didn't, and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  When David read on his phone that there was shooting in Connecticut, I didn't give it much thought.  Then, as details emerged, I was suddenly so thankful that we didn't have the news on or the internet to read about it.  My heart hurts for all the families and everyone affected.  We still aren't watching much of the coverage on it, #1 because emotionally we just can't handle it, and #2, I think the news media needs to give the town time to grieve.

While I was  teaching, we had drills where you turned the lights off and locked your classroom door, and all the students huddled together in the corner, hopefully out of sight. But, even as we had those drills, never in a million years do you ever think it won't be "just a drill".   I also think this will be a turning point in our country and bring about the change that is needed with guns. Hopefully President Obama will push to make the necessary changes.

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