Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!  I need to blog about our Christmas, but I am waiting for someone to send me some pictures (DAD!!!), so I will do that soon.  We went to my parent's house in PA and had a great time with my mom, dad, Kara and Kevin.  We were able to Skype with Jill and Frank, David's "mum" and dad, and Emma, Damian, Sophie and Daniel.  We also had a white Christmas!!!  More details and pictures to come about Christmas.

We were back in New Jersey for New Years.  On New Years Eve day we went down to Times Square to see the action in the afternoon, it was around noon and already packed with people.  I don't think anyone could pay me any amount of money to have stayed there until midnight.  It was nice to walk around and then come back for a New Years Eve night at home.  I was asleep at 11:15 and I don't think David stayed up much later....so much for seeing the ball drop on tv.

Since then, we have just been settling in, and David has been working like crazy...tax season has officially started.  While he has been at work, I have been selling a bunch of stuff on eBay, the more we can get rid of, the better!  Sunday night was a big bummer since the Redskins lost, but our season was still a HUGE improvement over the last few (or many) years. I will also start volunteering again soon at the elementary school.....while I of course study for my NJ certification exam. 

I am not one to usually make new years resolutions, but this year my goal is to update my blog more.  Not because I think many people (or anyone other than family) reads this, but I love going back and reading previous posts.  It's fun to look back at what we were doing this time last year, and to look at our old house etc. 

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