Friday, March 14, 2014

7 Months!!!!

I realize I am 10 days late with the post, but better late than never!!  Last Tuesday for E's 7 month birthday we celebrated by taking her to get the second part of her flu shot.  For the first time ever, she cried when the doctor picked her up.  David and I were shocked, we didn't know what to do, so I wonder if she knows what's coming now when we go there.  She has never minded other people holding her, and luckily it has only happened one other time since, I took her into David's office last week and people were passing her around, she was all smiles until David's boss took her, then she cried.  Maybe it's something with men.

Her personality is really shining through!  Elizabeth now has a grand total of SIX teeth!!!  She has two teeth on the top and four on the bottom, it's crazy!  The top two teeth have a big space between them, so we have nick named her our "little Michael Strahan".  Or, as David likes to say, "you could park a car between those teeth"!  Elizabeth is finally more interested in eating solids, she prefers squash now, and she actually opens her mouth for more.  Crawling backward is her preferred method of getting around.  She talks all the time, especially in the morning when she first wakes up.  We have heard "mama" like sounds come out, but she obviously has no clue what it means and it isn't intentional (I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I say it to her about a million times per day;)).  On the weekends, Elizabeth only wants David to put her to bed, it's very sweet.  This girl loves to be out and about, our friends have nicknamed her the "smiley" baby.  And, she has turned into a clepto, I am "that" mom with "that" child that likes to steal toys from other babies.  

These next few weeks and months she will have lots of firsts!  Elizabeth is going to meet her Auntie Emma for the first time tomorrow!  Within the next two months she will have her first Amtrak train ride and her first plane ride!  Every single day with her gets better and better, I am so thankful that I get to stay home with her, and for that I have David to thank - although I must say I am doing far too much online shopping!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week in Pictures Days 54 - 64

Once again I am behind!!
Day 54 - Sunday, February 23, 2014
Someone got a new pair of jeans!
Day 55 - February 24, 2014
We headed to music class in the cold weather!
Day 56- February 25, 2014
David bought Elizabeth blocks on his lunch break a few weeks ago, however I think they entertain us more!

Day 57 - February 26, 2014
Our first day of swim lessons, E is getting ready!!!!!  I will do a separate post all about our lessons, they are so much fun!

 Day 58 - February 27, 2014
Very excited to eat carrots for the first time!
Day 59 - February 28, 2014
We went to baby yoga with some was interesting....
Day 60 - March 1, 2014
Swim lessons again!!  This time David got to go in the water.
Day 61 - March 2, 2014
We took a long walk to Hoboken early Sunday morning!  
Day 62 - March 3, 2014
Music Class again!
Day 63 - March 4, 2014
7 Month Birthday!!!! How is our little baby getting so big!?!?! After going to the doctor for Elizabeth's flu shot, we enjoyed a day at home and a long walk with friends.

Day 64 - March 5, 2014
 Swim lessons again!