Friday, August 28, 2015

Samantha - 1 Month!!

I am way behind!  Along with being super busy, my computer bit the dust so I haven't had an easy way to update my blog.  Ipads are great, but not for everything!  Lucky for me, my parents were visiting last week and my dad forgot to take home his laptop, so expect lots of updates until he takes it back:)

We had Samantha's one month appointment last month, and she's doing great!  Her weight is up there, the girl can eat!

Weight: 12lbs. 5.5 oz.
Height: 22.5 inches
Head: 39 cm

Our first month with her was a great one.  Lucky for us, she started sleeping through the night around 2 or 3 weeks old!  Samantha was going to bed around 10pm and sleeping later than anyone else, until 7am! During the day, she is awake for about an hour and a half before she needs to sleep again. Samantha loves to be held.  She HATES the car seat (hates is actually an understatement), but likes the ergo, so luckily I can wear her a lot when we are out.  It is especially helpful when we are somewhere like the playground, I can wear her as I chase around Elizabeth.  Samantha loves taking a bath, she kicks and kicks when she's in there, and would probably be content in there for hours.  Sometimes she doesn't mind tummy time, sometimes she hates it.

Elizabeth LOVES her little sister.  If Samantha is crying, she tries to find a toy to give her, and she is constantly giving Samantha lots of kisses.  It takes us a little longer to get out of the door most days, but we are loving our two girls!