Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Samantha - 3 months

Samantha is already 3 months old!!!!  We don't have her measurements because there is no 3 month doctor visit.  The big news is that Samantha is rolling over!  I thought it was a fluke, but she kept doing it.  Long gone are the days of putting her on the couch and turning my back, the girl can move!  She rocks at tummy time and moves her arms and legs like crazy when she's on her tummy.  Samantha still loves the bath.  She isn't a fan of the car, unless I am sitting in the back with her.  Samantha definitely gets the most sleep in our house, she takes 3 naps a day, and by 6:30pm Samantha is exhausted!  She usually sleeps until 7am or until Elizabeth wakes her up:)  Samantha loves to be held and cries when I leave her sight.  She is getting really good at grabbing toys, and is super strong.  She has a grip like no other!  For some reason, Samantha loves loud noises, any time we are out walking and the lightrail goes by, she immediately stops crying and becomes calm.  Unfortunately, the sound machine doesn't have the same affect.  She eats every 3 hours, and her spitting up has gotten much better since going on the acid reflux medicine.  Elizabeth lights up whenever she sees Samantha, and Samantha just gives her the biggest smiles, it's so great to watch the two of them together.

What a quick 3 months this has been!  I'm beginning to think Samantha is going to be as big as Elizabeth sooner rather than later!  We have a 4 month appointment, so we will have exact measurements for the next update.  As Samantha gets older, she is beginning to look more like Elizabeth.

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