Thursday, July 7, 2016

Happy Birthday Samantha - 1 year!!!

I am way behind on my blog, but I am determined to catch up!  Of course I didn't keep up with my monthly updates for Samantha (poor second child), but I do have pictures so I'll slowly add more posts.

On June 9th Samantha turned one year old!  It's very hard to believe!  She still seems like such a little baby in so many ways, but has grown so much.  For her actual birthday, David took the day off and we celebrated as a family.  Samantha started her day by opening her cards and presents.

We made breakfast and had plans to go to a park, but Samantha decided to take an epic morning nap.  So, we headed out to lunch at McCloone's Boathouse (Samantha loves her food, so the meal wasn't just for us;)), and had a wonderful lunch outside.  Next, we went to Turtleback Zoo where we rode the train, saw the giraffes, and rode the carousel.

After the zoo we came home and had cake.  Samantha loved her smash cake, but was surprisingly reserved with it.  When cake was done, we headed to the park for Elizabeth's end of the year school picnic.  After the park, the birthday girl and her sister were exhausted from a long day!

Samantha isn't walking yet, but has taken a few steps.  Everyday she gets closer and closer to walking!  She will eat anything and everything.  Samantha still prefers me over anyone, but is getting much more content with other people.  Her favorite thing to play with right now is the play kitchen, Samantha will stand there forever just moving the food from one basket to another.  Samantha is a very quiet girl, but I have a sneaking suspicion that has to do with her sister who talks all the time!  She loves her sister and anything Elizabeth is playing with, Samantha wants.  Over the past year, Samantha has gotten better in the car, she has gone from screaming the entire time to only half the time she's in the car;)  Samantha loves her sleep, she is usually in bed for the night by 5:30 or 6:00.  She is slowly getting used to the swimming pool, but wants to be held at all times, occasionally she will sit in a float, but is only happy if I'm still holding her hand.

What a great year it has been!  Samantha brings so much joy to our lives and we love her so incredibly much!  Life gets better and better each day with this happy girl and her sister!

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